Monday, December 26, 2011

Four Essentials of Elk Antler Shed Hunting

!±8± Four Essentials of Elk Antler Shed Hunting

Every spring thousands of outdoor enthusiasts head into the mountains in search of bull elk antler sheds. Most folks pick up 2 or 3 every season after spending hours combing the forest and mountains for sheds. I have lived in the eastern White Mountains of Arizona since the early 1990's and have been hunting antler sheds every spring. I generally pick up 30-50 sheds a season and average one about every 2 1/2 hours. Here are some tips on how you can increase your odds of finding bull elk antler sheds.

Mountain weather can be inclimate and change with very little notice. You will need to prepare yourself in advance by wearing the proper outerwear. First off, you need to be wearing a really good pair of boots. The terrain is steep and the footing is loose. Hiking shoes just won't do the job. Hiking boots are better, but your best bet is a good leather Gore-Tex hunting boot. I prefer Danner Boots, they are comfortable and sturdy. Next is a regular pair of denim blue jeans. You are constantly going through brush, butt sliding, kneeling and occasionally slipping and falling. Nylon pants get tore up pretty fast. For a top layer, a wick dry tee-shirt along with a technical nylon or fleece top will work very well. You want to stay warm, but allow the sweat to be wicked away. It's also a good idea to wear a bright color on top especially if you're shed hunting with a partner, you need to be able to see each other from a distance. Camo is generally not a good idea. A good baseball style hat is also essential to keep the sun out of your eyes. I wear a long bill hat from my wife's fly fishing guide business. This is mainly because you will not be wearing sunglasses, sunglasses tint the natural surrounding and you will not see the antlers laying on the ground unless they're old white chalks. Sunglasses also make it difficult to use binoculars effectively.

There are three essential items that you should carry with you at all times when you're shed hunting. The first is a good pair of binoculars. I use a pair of 12x50's that can be purchased for around 0-150. You also want to purchase the over the shoulder straps for the bino's (). These will hold the glasses close to your chest and keep them from banging on rocks and hanging up in the brush. Next is a sidearm, if allowed in your state. You will be hiking into prime mountain lion country. I carry a.45 titanium revolver and it has saved my life twice by firing warning shots above charging lions. I have never killed one. (Perhaps a future story?) I simply will not go deep into the mountains without a sidearm and will not allow hunting companions to do so either. Finally you will need a 2000-3000 backpack with straps that will clip and unclip the antlers onto the back of the pack. Preferably, also a bladder reservoir with a bite tube for hydration.

Remember, the points always are packed away from you and depending on the size of the antler, the button may point up or down....try not to let the points dig into your butt, or bang against your head. I can carry (3-4) antlers in this manner, then one in each hand if I find a real honey hole. Your pack should include: extra hardshell, in case of inclimate weather, radios, if traveling with more than one person (essential), headlamp, matches, map, GPS (optional) first aid kit, utility tool like a Leatherman, sunscreen, toilet paper, extra liter of water and your lunch. In some areas, such as the Blue Wilderness, I carry a lightweight climbing harness, a couple of carabiners, rappel device and a 100' length of static rappelling rope for getting myself out of tricky situations.

Now that you've assembled all of your outerwear and gear, it's almost time to go elk antler shed hunting. However, to prevent you from wandering from mountain to canyon without purpose, you will need a good map of the area. The best are USGS topo maps available online - we like to laminate ours. I also like to utilize Google Maps and Google Earth. National Forest maps are also handy for finding roads for access into remote areas, but most the side roads are unmarked. The main thing is to have a "search plan" and stick with the plan. Your plan should reflect the four essentials mentioned below. Always let someone else know where you're going and when you'll be back. A note on the kitchen counter to my wife usually works for me. You also may want to carry a GPS and mark the location of your vehicle before you go trotting into a remote area.

As you plan your elk antler shed hunting adventure you should be thinking about four essential items: Security, Access, Conditions and Terrain. Any successful shed hunting trip will require all four of these items to be present. If only one essential element is missing, you will have very little luck finding sheds and likely be skunked. All we are doing is increasing the probability of finding an elk antler shed in a given area.

I believe that elk antlers are painful before they fall off. There is no scientific evidence that I am aware of to support my belief, but nonetheless I firmly believe this to be a true fact. The level of pain may be different for each bull elk, from a minor toothache to an abscessed tooth. The level of pain may also vary with age. So, take a minute and consider how you personally feel when you're sick with a toothache, say maybe a root canal. Generally, you want to relax as much as possible, stay warm and comfortable, very little social contact, have water and food close-by, maybe sleep a little more than usual. Most of all, you really don't want to be bothered. You just want to get this over with and get on with your life. My contention is that is exactly how a bull elk feels when those big antlers start to loosen up. They want to be safe and secure.

So, where would a bull elk feel safe and secure? The question is probably better asked where they wouldn't feel safe and secure. Well, to be honest, definitely not around their girl friends, the cow elk. If I see loads and loads of fresh cow elk scat, I'm probably not in a good area for finding sheds. The bulls sometimes gather into smaller groups of 4-8 when they are about to drop, but most of the time this is a solitary event when it actually happens. They also do not want to be cold, they generally like to be as warm and comfortable as possible. I generally do not find elk sheds on north facing slopes unless I'm working a large mountain with deep backbone type ridges...even then, odds are far greater on the sunny sided slopes. This next one is very important, they also tend to avoid deep thick brushy areas, which are prevalent on north facing mountains. Remember, if you buy into my belief, these antlers hurt. They do not want them to be knocking against trees and bushes...kinda like stubbing a toe that you've already stubbed. However, the areas may be short and brushy, like a live oak forest with the height of the oak around 5'. This allows them to move around and carry the antlers above the brush, but have the ability to lie down in between them to seek protection.

The astute shed hunter would probably say, "Yea okay, but I've found a few sheds in wide open meadows". My answer would be, "Sure, they are traveling to and from their water source and feeding area from a secure area". Elk do not get delivered pizza when they are sick. In addition, you will typically find only one side in a meadow...they've already dropped the other one in their secure area. Finally, there is one last important point to be made about security - mountain lions. When a bull elk beds down, it's usually not in a place where it can be easily attacked. They like to have good field of vision, which means quite often they like it higher up on the mountain. Overhanging rock ledges that they can tuck under are also places that always need to be searched. Think about when you were young and about to go to bed, but you have a tooth coming lose, you can't sleep. Your parents would come into your bedroom and pull the loose tooth out - I always howled after the doorknob and the string trick! If a bull elk is bedding down and those antlers are hurting just enough that they cannot sleep, they will knock both of them off where they are bedding down. A matched bull elk antler set is almost the best possible to a winterkill.

Good examples of secure areas are drainages and just below ridgelines. Please keep in mind, these areas can be quite large, sometimes a square mile.

This is the easiest of the essential elements and the one in which I see the most mistakes. Environmental conditions have a tremendous effect on where a bull elk may drop an antler shed. The main condition is weather and the other is the time of the year. I am going to make another bold assumption that is not based on scientific fact, but I know this to be true. A bull elk will not drop antlers in snow. However, they actually like being close to snow, specifically the snow line on a mountain. If you can determine where the snow line is on a mountain at the time of year when the antler dropped, you have saved yourself a tremendous amount of hunting in the wrong places (most common error). Typically, when I find a fresh brown antler shed the first thing I look at is my wristwatch altimeter and determine the elevation in which I picked up the shed. (A good reason to carry a GPS as well) Most of the time, there is no snow where I picked up the shed. I am attempting to determine the snow line on the mountain at the time of the drop. From that point forward, the highest probability of finding another shed is either 150' above or below where you found the first shed. This means you are zig-zagging up and down the mountain. However, when you find your second shed on the same mountain, you are now adding to your database of knowledge to further refine your elevation search area. In the eastern White Mountains of Arizona and west Central New Mexico almost all of my sheds are found between 8300-9500.' You will need to determine the average in your area in accordance with the snow line.

The other half of the equation is time of year. Bull elk generally drop their antlers over a 6-8 week period. In our region this is early March to late April. However, there is always a 10 day or so period when the majority drop their antlers. Large elk drop their antlers first. I consider a large elk anything over a 50" main beam - usually a 6X. The medium-sized ones are next, around 36" main beam and then the small 3X are last. Many shed hunters make the mistake of going out too early. Our area is packed with shed hunters early in the season, few are found. My early season adventures are usually on a sunny ridge line with 12x50 binoculars and a lunch. I'm watching the migration patterns and by the way, picking out the biggest racks.

Try to limit your search to areas a couple hundred feet below the snowline, using a zig-zag pattern during the time of year when they are actually shedding their antlers.

I have to include access as an essential element since this is a somewhat competitive adventure. If there are a lot of folks in the area in which you intend to hunt for sheds, you will likely not be successful. This is a major violation of the essential security element. However, it is important enough to warrant its own category. You may see bull elk in areas populated by humans, but they really do not like to shed their antlers unless they are traveling to and from a secure area. Think about it this way...if an ATV can get into your area, it's not a good place to hunt for sheds. Bull elk do not like roaring ATV engines or diesel trucks for that matter. They like it secure, comfortable and quiet.

I sometimes utilize an ATV to get close to an area that I'll be hunting sheds. But that ATV is typically parked at least a mile away from my target area. You do not want to spook them away if they haven't dropped yet. You really do need to go in on foot, disturb as little of the area as possible and leave with your bounty. I have witnessed prime areas ruined by careless individuals.

This is a competitive adventure. If there are a lot of folks going into your area. It may be picked clean every year. If the access is easy, the masses will show up to hunt antlers. If the access is difficult, you probably have your own private hunting ground. Here's another general rule of thumb, if a rancher is grazing cattle in your area, it's probably not a good place to hunt sheds. Cowboys ride fence lines every spring once the snow is gone, they know their cattle allotment section like the back of their hand. Basically, you've had experts in your area for years picking up sheds.

The more remote and inaccessible by any type of vehicle including horses, the higher the probability of finding elk antler sheds.

Elk can drop their antlers almost anywhere, we are only interested in the areas in which there is the highest probability of a "drop zone". Quite often, this is where a bull elk will bed down. It also may be where they travel too and from a secure area. However, it is always an area in which they are familiar. When I go into a new area to "develop" I am looking for a specific type of terrain to match my other essential elements. I'm also looking for bull elk scat and tree rubs. Hey, wait a minute!! Bull elk rub the velvet off their antlers well after they shed. I agree, but they also tend to gravitate towards areas of familiarity. So, as I look at the ground and the rubbings on the trees, I'm also scanning the horizons with my binoculars...because I'm always looking for a specific type of terrain.

The best possible terrain is directional and prioritized in this order, south, southwest, west, southeast and east facing slopes. North facing slopes as mentioned earlier are almost always a no go, unless it is a large mountain with steep ridgelines that have sun-washed side canyons. As yet another general rule of thumb, grassy slopes are better than rocky slopes. If the slope is all rock, it's probably not a good area. It has to have some grass with the rock...all grass with a few rocks is best.

Some of my friends kid me about have legs like a T-Rex. This is probably due to the fact that most of the sheds that I find are located on slopes between 30 and 50 degrees. If you're unfamiliar with degrees of slope angle, a 12/12 pitch roof is 45 degrees. A lot of churches have steep roof lines similar to the terrain in which elk antler sheds are found. Obviously it takes a lot of determination to work your way up a steep slope hunting an antler shed. However, this is generally a secure area, with lots of visibility and often near a water source below in a canyon. The good news is, you get to stop every 50' or so, take a break and scan the area with your binoculars.

A typical search pattern on a steep south-facing grassy slope would go something like this...First pass is the ridgeline itself, taking your time to look down into the slope and then back just off the ridgeline. The next pass may be 20-40' below the ridgeline and usually at least one or two more passes even lower. However, if you're just going to make one pass, you need to utilize a zig-zag pattern to cover as much area as possible. The whole time, your thinking about security issues for the elk, environmental conditions in the area during the time the snow line was present and access in regards to the remoteness of the area.

Please do not get discouraged if you read all of this information and do not immediately find an elk antler shed although all four essential elements are present. This is meant to be a fun guide to increase your chances of finding shed antlers. From the outset, you should consider your mission to develop areas where you know that they will be dropping. I have found hundreds and hundreds of elk sheds, 70% of them come from a dozen areas that took me years to explore and develop. I go into those areas three times each - early, mid and late season.

I do not sell any of my antler sheds. They are either gifts to family and friends or they end up in my workshop becoming lamps, end tables or candle holders. A hundred or so adorn the gateway to our mountain home.

The eastern White Mountains of Arizona include the communities of Alpine, Nutrioso and Greer. The 538,000 acre Wallow Fire (Summer 2010) burned over 850 square miles of this beautiful area. We lost our home for 15 years along with two businesses due to the irresponsibility and negligence of the Apache National Forest Management Team. We presently reside 300 miles away at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon.

Four Essentials of Elk Antler Shed Hunting

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Elusive Gray Ghost - The Biggest Challenge in the Hunting World

!±8± The Elusive Gray Ghost - The Biggest Challenge in the Hunting World

After an hour of glassing a hillside in the brush we finally saw some movement. First we saw a couple of does grassing in the meadows, after focusing some more on the area we saw a big rack of antlers rise just behind a tree and into the brush. We had a split second to look at the buck and at first sight we could see that we were seeing a very big one but not sure how big. The time was about 10 a.m when the buck went into the brush, so we decided to get a bit closer to take a better look. After stalking for about 250 yards, we just waited for him to get out of the brush. We waited for about three hours with out moving so much because their where a couple of does and small bucks just 80 yards away from us, so any sudden movement would spooked them and would have spooked the big one as well. About 1 p.m we started seeing some movement in the trees, and suddenly a big antler was peaking out of the brush. "Get ready" I told the hunter. When he finally pops out of the trees he was indeed a monster buck.

The Coues deer also known as the gray ghost for his ability to disappear in a second, it is a subspecies of the whitetail. The hunt of this species is a very challenging adventure; do to his intelligence and the kind of habitat they live on. The Coues deer and his life stages play and important role on the hunting period. Also will covered important points of a complete Coues deer hunt. The 6 most important points to a successful hunt are: the outfitter, the guide, the hunter, the optics, the rifle and the weather. Is important to have these areas covered to take on the challenge. This point will be covered later on. A little about the species, The Coues deer, (Odocoileus virginianus couesi) is the smallest of the whitetail species but his lack of size compensates in brains, is the smartest of the whitetail and has a great sense of smell. Do to his color it is easy to get lost in the terrain background or disappear in the brush. The habitat of this species consists of rocky Mountains, steep hillsides and thick brushy draws; therefore it makes it a hard and challenging hunt. According to Moors (n.d) stated that "the Coues deer is the oldest of the deer species, according to fossil records in North America, it shows over 3 million years ago."

The life stages of the Coues deer are the breeding, antler shed, and the fawning stage. Breeding normally occurs in the month of January this is where the Coues deer is more vulnerable; do to his interest in the doe without even spotting danger at close ranges. In the antler shed stage is where they normally shed the antlers and grow new ones. This happens every year; every time they shed their antlers they will grow bigger antlers the next season and so on. This normally occurs from April when the drop start until September, when the growth of the antler is done. At this time the antlers are covered by silky hair which eventually they will peal of by rubbing their antler on trees. The fawning stage occurs on July and August; most does will give birth to twins. Every fawn is born with white spots that will eventually disappear in the first two months of their lives.

The first point for a successful hunt is the outfitter. The outfitter plays a very important roll in every hunter's quest for the Gray ghost. Who is the person that will provide the hunting area, the guides, food and lodging and in some case will provide the firearm. He has to be an outfitter that has a good reputation among Coues hunters and has the credibility to sustain a good camp and produce trophy hunts in his area. In many cases the outfitter must advise and scout the area before a hunter arrives; so hi can advise in where and when the bucks are at the moment, and what area has the best percentage of a trophy buck. The outfitter must contract the best guides he can get and have all needs in camp; first aid, 4x4 vehicles, ATV, quick access to camp and out of camp, on camp taxidermist and clean cooks.

The guide is a crucial part of the hunt. The guide first responsibility is to take and bring the hunter back safely to camp. Among other responsibilities, is to spot the animals and decide the stalking method of the hunt. Advice on shots; and at no time the guides authority should be question. He has to have the knowledge on size and distances for every buck they see as well as information on surrounding animals they might approach and how to deal with them.

The hunter has to have a least some experience in handling firearms, and a little bit of knowledge on hunting. He is the one carrying the firearm and is up to him if he makes the shot or not. He needs to be able to recognize moment on the brush and hill sides and have some kind of hunting sense. For many it comes to crucial decisions at peak time, and can have take good quick decisions.

The optics is the most important tool of the hunter as well as for the guide. The hunt of this species requires a good set of binoculars and a good spotting scope. For the difficulty in finding these animals; clarity in the optics is very important. The binoculars should be minim a 10x42 to a 10x50, more powerful binoculars will be to heavy to carry in a long days hunt. That is why a spotting scope is used; to classify and judge deer's that are too long to see well with the binoculars. The spotting scope should be at least 25 to 50 powers. The spotting scope is used to judge the size of the animal from far and decide if it is worth to start the stalk.

The rifle; as any other tool is what will help secure the hunt. There are many types and calibers. To choose the right one it needs to be based in distance and accuracy. The 270 Weatherby Magnum is the best rifle for this hunt, provides power and accuracy besides it haves great distance coverage. Is also important to have a bipod to maintain a steady pulse.

The use of the weather is the most important natural factor in hunting. Is known that the Coues deer hunt is better in cold days and early in the morning. The deer will move more when the weather is cold; but when is windy they will bed, and it becomes very difficult to spot. When a snow storm hits; the next day will be an exceptional day to hunt. Days when is to hot the deer will typically wont move as much. When trying to move on to a deer it is important to go against the wind; they tend to have an exceptional sense of smell, so walking with the wind will carry the human sense to them and spook them away.

The Coues deer can be the most challenging and interesting adventures in the hunting world. Is by far the most versatile and intelligent deer of the family. It has been stated that the Coues deer is similar the sheep hunt because of the hiking required and difficulty in spotting them. For many, the hunt for any kind of animal is cruel and inhumane, but it is an important part to maintain the ecosystem balance. Of course it needs to follow certain rules, like permits and tags for the hunt, without exceeding the limit of permits per year according to the census. If any species would overpopulate they would suffer more because of the diseases they might get and the lack of food and water. Hunting is a vital part of the life and preservation of the species. Hunting has been a part of life for a long time. Many use this skill to provide food for their families, others do it for sport. The reasons may be endless but to preserve the species it must be some kind of control to avoid overpopulation and convert in a plague. That is what hunting is about.

Reference Page
Author, Moors, A (n.d). Life Stages of the Coues. Retrieved March 03, 2008, from
Author, Moors, A (n.d). Coues Deer Habitat. Retrieved March 03, 2008, from
Ojo Caliente Outfitters [no author]. (n.d). Hunting for Coues deer. Retrieved March 03, 2008 from
Deer Country [Craig Boddington, Petersen's Hunting]. (2008). Retrieved March 03, 2008, from []
Photo by Bob Campbell

The Elusive Gray Ghost - The Biggest Challenge in the Hunting World

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

2009 Polaris Sportsman XP models

!±8± 2009 Polaris Sportsman XP models

There is a question surprisingly similar to buyers in the market for a middle-of-the-road quad Polaris Utility. With offers only $ 400 difference in price between two strong competitors in the middle of the turn Polaris ATV, the bang for the buck? Candidate A, the Sportsman 400 HO, rides on a newer platform (see the change), while candidate B, the Sportsman 500 HO Quad Token Utility company and one of the best-selling ATV of all time (see experience).

How should one decide? Polaris is a convincing argument for the middle class SPORTSMAN 400 HO and its full-size model 500 HO - the 400 is an entry level model with features of Big Boy, while the full-size 500 has a larger engine and a small punishment price increases. With such a narrow difference in fiscal policy (price pseudonym), the choice seems pretty insignificant.

As you dig to see the details, but there are some significant differences that need to be off the air -that is, as the 400 laps of the truth and in fact a 455cc single-cylinder packs by the late Sportsman 450, while 500 met expectations with a 499cc unit served for a decade. As for the dry weight, obesity, an important issue, and all, there is a 91-pound advantage over £ 696 scale 400-605

The pass also offers a strong contrast. The 400 is 4.5 inches shorter than the 500 for a package more manageable for less experienced riders, or loadingin a crowded toy tractor. Let's not get bogged down in conflict - there are many similarities here. Both platforms have the carburetor and cooling liquid are, front McPherson suspension and return from the IRS, vital statistics show a complete instrumentation and share power with the firm selected "true" on-demand four-wheel drive. Sounds even-Steven, but we are nowhere close to naming leaders.

The first debate
It was time for some personal conversations, a realknock-down drag-out debate. Forget Iowa, New Hampshire or the Carolinas, we are here to ATV Magazine and outdoorsmen headed for the snowy slopes of northwest Wisconsin, the candidates head to head well.

Just 30 seconds into our trip, and with only 2 miles on the odometer, we noticed the all-wheel-drive not engage on the 400 we were able to diagnose the problem yourself. A debate lasting a few hours before it was potentially serious character flaw increases with the redCandidates.

Although our goal was covered with snow and slippery 4WD was not necessary and we continued along the hilly, picturesque woodland paths. Off between the two was a clear disparity in the performance balance. Our riding 500 Polaris 500 HO is like so many before - soft. Shocks are absorbed to the point of elimination, one for the hard work without experience. Credit cards, which are abundant on the front and 9.5 inches 8.2 500 Travel and rear, compared to seven eightThe acceleration to 400 is moderate, the body roll is not a problem, the controls are where they expect and it feels like a real full-size car.

Battered but still fighting, drove along the 400, it was like the underdog - lighter and less bulky. Two testers, and bigger, and felt comfortable riding on the thumbnail and appreciate its tossability. The four-beit still offers that comfortable around Polaris trademark, but is firmer damping rates, different suspensionGeometry or the shorter wheelbase, there is less comfort. Instead, drivers will receive a more sporty feel than the 500 Lower fender and the width of three inches less for the 400 new, smaller, playful feel of an unladen weight forward.
This round is a tie.

The power to change
The search for a clear winner is easier when it comes to performance and speed. Polaris says the mill produces 500 hp peak 35.9 and 31.1 pound-feet of torque at 5000 rpm, while maximum power of 400 is 29.2 and 24.6Pound-feet of torque rises to recover.

And 'put on the weight difference, though, and for this reason, we have the radar gun and has some acceleration test - never kill a bad way to get some time on a lonely country road.

Less weight and smaller size were not sufficient for the 400, drive faster than 500 has been revised. It took 101 feet to 400 to hit 30 mph, while the 500 is the same operation in less than 90 meters. After several miles on it,and often switch between computers, the numbers were a surprise. They are both very close, and the other may depend on trails, but the 500 wins the gear selector.

Kitchen Table Issues

More time with the candidates has led some of the finer points of dispute - issues of power, strength and tone.

On paper, there is nothing different brake packages with the duo. Both offers single-lever hydraulic front disc brake and a hydraulic rear foot -Traditional lever brakes. But then look at the current record. Brakes our 400 was significantly pre-loaded, perceived by almost all the braking force sent to the front wheels. Behind the slippery corners, it was enough to send the car understeer moment. Brakes on the 500, however, is a model of consistency - just what you expect when you expect it, and without the front-heavy distortion.

Ergonomics is another field of battle for any consumer Cross Shoppingthese two. When our testers were both above the barrier of 6 meters, we were surprised to feel comfortable with them. The trimmer 400 felt like a 9/10ths scale developed for small quad riders, but is still roomy enough to appeal to the masses.

With all things being equal, it may sound, vibration and harshness make a big difference to the fickle buyers. Why you should train with less if someone else is annoying? To this end, single-cylinder engine is not all that high-tech or polished.Since this is a debate that eventually we would be remiss if it did not give it to you directly - the old 500 vibrates less, a tribute to years of aging. While the 400 is not difficult, there is more engine and chassis vibrations, which makes the driver. There is no landslide here, but the Sportsman 500 is the smooth operator.

Wedge Issues

Moving beyond the big-ticket issues, it is worth mentioning a few minor differences. You never know what a deal breaker with annoying problemVoters. First, while most full-size features has the 500, the 400 has no low range or parking gear.

If you purchase a Polaris Sportsman, probably excited about the tank under the front rack - we love the function and use it at every opportunity you get. A small room, combined with service access to the radiator and plug the battery charger caused a small cubby on the E 400 'of usable storage capacity yet, but I HAVE 500 buyers can more than a pack of ratsbefore and you get an additional stowage compartment under the luggage rack.

The instrumentation is another area that shows some minor cost reductions on the 400 - to digital indicators are not as readable as analog and digital display on the 500 There is also a pod 500 on the light Hey, this is a campaign, and each little detail counts.

Damage Control

As the sun went down and the road to a dead end, it was time to turn around and get back on track. We gave everything we hadPowerslide for a full return journey and I tried to make the final call on these two contrasting races. The truck is always a good place to think.

Back in business, we decided to dig up some answers to the 400 4WD system is defective. Polaris after service technicians poked, prodded and told us that a ring either spontaneously from his pen in the case of main landing gear, or was ever to sit on the assembly line. When the current was sent through, it is pushed against the retaining ring until the pinionSnorkeling equipment on the tree was no longer the contact - so no front wheel into action.

Definitely a problem is necessarily given in a harsh light by the media. Not so! ATV Magazine has a glorious history of objective reporting. These problems are rare transmission closely for any mainstream manufacturer, and we will take him at one time mistake.

Election Day

The attempt to block a winner, treated in the media the same old questions. Who is the ideal buyer for the smaller 400? Who should gowith the larger 500? There is enough difference between them? And we'd go to testers, if we make the call for us?

Our vote? The Sportsman 500 HO, for its size, super-soft ride, low range, more speed, more torque, and the fact that a Sportsman 500 has never been as low as low. If you work or play, and we both like, there are many reasons given to justify the extra $ 400. Store to carry more equipment, more ass, take more stuff.

On the contrary,maybe not the great compromise for those who appreciate a simple operation, more manageable size and less weight Sportsman 400 HO There may be more important to offer any other features quad in its class.

What is right for you? This is your call. But if you like and we are looking for a full-sized workers and a pilot run lively brand of voting for the 500 Sportsman HO

2009 Polaris Sportsman XP models

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Saturday, September 17, 2011

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Brand : Kolpin | Rate : | Price : $50.99
Post Date : Sep 18, 2011 03:58:36 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Our largest, roomiest Gun Boot ever! The Gun Boot 6.0 features the largest interior room of all our Gun Boots, easily fitting firearms up to 51" in total length and providing ample space for the largest scopes and pistol grip style stocks. This next generation Gun Boot provides easier access to your firearm with the new and innovative, hinged hatchback design featuring a snap close cover with locking capability. Our Impact model includes a removable, shock absorbing foam and nylon Impact liner that provides superior interior protection within our hard case. The hard case has an ergonomically designed handle and molded attachment points for a sling. Anatomically designed to accommodate left and right hand bolt action rifles and shotguns, it provides ample room for 50mm scopes and even rifles with slings attached. The Gun Boot 6.0 utilizes all existing Gun Boot IV brackets (separate purchase) in order to mount to your ATV or UTV. These Gun Boots are also a great fit on your UTV with our New Utility Gear Rail System. The Gun Boot 6.0 is not compatible with our UTV specific mounts (#20036 and #20129).

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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Cycle Country ATV Snow Plow Power Blade, Black, 60"

!±8±Cycle Country ATV Snow Plow Power Blade, Black, 60"

Brand : Cycle Country
Rate :
Price :
Post Date : Aug 29, 2011 02:21:22
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

The 42" Straight Plow is the plowing choice for smaller displacement 2WD ATV's. It's perfect for clearing sidewalks, driveways and many other uses. It is available with a powder coated gloss black finish.

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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Kolpin Utv Gun Mount

!±8±Kolpin Utv Gun Mount

Brand : Kolpin
Rate :
Price : $74.98
Post Date : Aug 20, 2011 16:05:29
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

This gun rack mounts to the floor of your UTV, truck or similar vehicle, or in the bed of your UTV for easy access to your firearms. Provides a secure and safe fit for your firearm, preventing vibration and movement over tough terrain. Firearms can be placed facing either direction for access from the driver or passenger side. A full 360-degree directional orientation provides easy access no matter what the application. The Kolpin Gun Rack mount is fully adjustable, angling up to 45 degree in either direction. Constructed of a heavy-duty over-molded butt section to securely hold the stock of your firearm and over-molded v-blocks with tough rubber straps to provide firearm and barrel support. Gun Rack Mount adapter riser (20074) required for Polaris and Yamaha utility vehicles with center transmission hump. Adjustable height from 27 1/2" to 35 1/2"

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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Front ATV Cargo Rack Gear Bag with Soft Gun Case

!±8± Front ATV Cargo Rack Gear Bag with Soft Gun Case

Brand : Rage Powersports | Rate : | Price : $74.99
Post Date : Aug 10, 2011 10:56:08 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Store extra gear and even a rifle with the ATV-FRBG-9010 front rack ATV cargo bag. Features a large multi-compartment storage area with twin detachable bags and bottle holsters. Includes (6) integrated tie-down straps to secure the bag to an ATV rack. Self-repairing zippers and weather flaps help prevent water and debris from entering the cargo area. Made with tough durable 600D water resistant denier fabric.

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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Make a Home Made Kid Race Car

!±8± Make a Home Made Kid Race Car

Get ready for racing fun with this Made Kid Race Car home!


Rectangular boxes - boxes of apples, xerox paper boxes or similar

Colored plastic or paper plates


Card stock in various colors

Banda heavy


Brad fasteners

Cutter knife

Glue and Tape


Foam letters and numbers to decorate


Prepare the box - start with a rectangular box for eachGuest of the Party. If the box has flaps, cut them with a knife. Turn the box upside down and cut a square area on one side of the bottom (now top of the racing cars) is large enough to accommodate a child.

Paint Your Race Car - Spray paint your box a bright color - red, blue, green, yellow or orange.

Attach "Braces" - with the stapler, heavy volume from the end points on both sides of the box as "brackets" at the end, so that the children put on their cars.

Add Wheels -Choose to make four paper plates on two wheels on each side of the box. Do yourself a contrasting color to the color of the box race car. Secure the plates with brads so the wheels turn. Add to another plate on top of the window of a driving job.

Add headlights and taillights - Cut two circles of yellow cardstock and glue to the front of the car headlights. Cut two small circles of red cardstock and glue to the back of the car, the tailLights.

Make an exhaust pipe - Make an exhaust pipe from a toilet paper tube with crepe paper streamers. Attach the hose to the machine by a series of cuts at one end of the tube, flaring up against the back of the car, and the protective tape.

Customize Your Race Car - shapes with colored construction paper, markers, foam letters and numbers.

Now make a loop in your garden with a ribbon, old tires, hay bales, or anything else. Good ideasBy incorporating this craft into a party, please visit our Race Car Birthday Party page.

Make a Home Made Kid Race Car

Snow Plows For Atvs Review

Friday, August 5, 2011

ATV aftermarket parts - shop online for the best selection and prices

!±8± ATV aftermarket parts - shop online for the best selection and prices

I decided to buy a little 'for ATV Aftermarket parts do, and I was pleasantly surprised to see that there are a variety of parts and accessories on the market.

It was not long ago that if you wanted to add something to your ATV that the retailer had, and were over a barrel because no other parts made.

The good news is that many of you, if you choose to preserve ATV Aftermarket Parts now.

ATV Aftermarket PartsIncludes standard accessories and components for maintenance

Most of us understand that we need to get our sport or utility ATV for optimal performance.

No matter if you're with your quad to do the hunting, visits, racing or just as a workhorse around your place, there are things that you get and even better performance with aftermarket parts may ATVs.

For example, there are oils and lubricants for the power of cinema and anti-wear capabilities developed underto load. The tires that came with your ATV, were adequate, but if you plan to have to travel through sand or rocky or wooded areas, then you might want a better tire, pull the handle that, under these special conditions into account.

The improvement of the exhaust system may mean better performance out of your quad, because the air intake means more engine power. You can update or add a spring roll cage.

ATV aftermarket parts can also add-on to protect a gun holster, bumper or brush,Lift kit for a good game, a winch and a plow.

ATV aftermarket parts are what makes quad?

You will be able to find ATV aftermarket parts, as does the Yamaha, Suzuki, Honda, Kawasaki, Polaris, KTM, Arctic Cat and more fit.

Other accessories available include the ATV snow chains, jerry cans and holders, covers to protect your quad, if not in action player, bags of gear, radio, CD or MP3 for music, accessories, heated (such as seats, heated hand), lighting, rampsand rack-mounted cameras can be on your quad, windscreen, roll bar, and much more.

It 'a healthy aftermarket ATV parts, because many people choose to update or improve their current quad instead of buying new. With the economy the way it is today, it is much cheaper, a few accessories to add your ATV for fun, rather than a lot of money for a new quad.

Where is the best part of ATV aftermarket?

Obviously you can shop at your local dealer.This is most likely where it was bought to wear with the original quad, and make specific parts. This means that if you have a Honda TRX 400ex, you are able, parts and accessories for your quad model can make to the dealer.

On the other hand, the dealer can be more expensive than other retailers.

You could try online shopping. The online community is anxious to sell to you, and you will be able to offer a much wider selection of ATV aftermarket parts and findAccessories on the Internet.

The Internet allows small businesses to compete aggressively with the dealers. Often you'll find accessories and parts you never thought, just because some weekend warriors as we have designed a solution to a problem, he said and did something about it.

The prices online are usually much cheaper than if the same dealer is located, even if factor shipping costs.

Another place to try ATV aftermarket parts, the local ATV groupor club, and even Craigslist and eBay. Especially in children and quad ATV, ATV local group often children "swap". This is because children grow so quickly and grow beyond their quad needs to be updated. You can find a good deal for a quad children or another adult-size ATV accessories at the local swap.

And forget, do not shop eBay and Craigslist.

What I found for ATV Aftermarket Parts

I have a Honda Rincon that I have around the farm and theoccasional hunting. I decided that tire, because where I live in northern Minnesota to update a variety of terrain to have. (Do not call it "Land of 10,000 Lakes" for nothing.) I can go by thick forests and brush in a swamp just a few meters, with some snow thrown in.

I also have irregular front skid plates down to the ground, you can not say that driving on logs and logs are hard on the frame.

Also, I have aHeavy brush guard and a porter when I bag a deer. And 'certainly nice to be able to drive home the money, rather than have him drag me!

I checked my local dealer to see what they had and then I have shopped online. I could save almost 50% on dealer prices on tires and fenders, and I was also given free shipping.

With a little 'dull, you will be able to find the best ATV aftermarket parts online and at a great price!

ATV aftermarket parts - shop online for the best selection and prices

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Yamaha ATV

!±8± Yamaha ATV

When you hear the word ATV, what do you think? What happens if you feel that Yamaha Motor Corporation? Have you ever imagined that some of the best ATV products of this company? Now you can easily satisfy your curiosity simply discover their showroom, and if these dealers and Yamaha Yamaha ATV in stock.

There are many different types of Yamaha ATV that you can think about buying. This means they are pure in your enthusiasm for allATV things. Now, before you go out and buy an ATV that is totally unsuitable for you, you have to do a little research. The best place to get this information on ATV and Yamaha ATV, so you can make an informed choice is the Internet.

With the Internet at your disposal, you can examine the different types of Yamaha ATVs that are on the market and then decide what you want to buy. You must make the choice between sport and utilityATV and see which best suited for this kind of life you live.

The best kind of Yamaha ATV, you can buy is probably one like the Grizzly ATV. You can use the Yamaha Grizzly ATV for fishing, hunting, camping and all other types of off-road activities. For all Yamaha ATV Grizzly ATV has a seat that is designed for comfort, driving through a day of hard work and work. Besides the fact that these Yamaha ATV strong enough to tow other vehiclesmuddy situations.

Yamaha ATVs are designed so that they are environmentally friendly and meet the various laws that every state has passed for vehicles. There are a number of Yamaha ATV that can be installed with adjustable trays. Since many of these off-road ATV for hunting are the Yamaha can be found in camouflage or hunter green. There are other accessories that you buy to make your hunting ATV Yamaha can perfectly for that day.

The variousAccessories include handbags luggage rack and gun scabbards. You can also buy the fenders that you see gaming ATV ATV. As you can see the world of Yamaha ATV is very interesting. There are many different types of terrain that you choose and everyone has the trusted name of Yamaha, they can order back into their performance.

So the next time you need to buy us all a great ATV, you have to do is to see, head over to the nearest to your Yamaha dealer and ask for their stock ATVsYamaha ATV. The next step is to have fun choosing your future partner in adventure.

Yamaha ATV

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